
Senarix Profile

Senarix is a project management/ business analysis
consultancy that specialises in providing support to private and public sector-led programmes.
Services include research, requirements gathering, technical writing, integration, workflow analysiss and a full range of operational project management activities.
Areas of specialism include GIS, SOA, E-business, sustainable development, business engagement and support, social and community enterprise and the creative industries.


Senarix has provided industry-specific solutions to projects in diverse industries, including helathcare, geomatics, agriculture, energy, manufacturing, and more. We help organizations make better project management decisions that have real impacts on the company's bottom line. Senarix experienced staff of highly skilled professionals are equipped to give organizationsinsight into what is really going on with a project so that they can make the timely and effective decisions necessary for delivering a project on schedule and on budget.

Project Management

Project focused, team based activities increasingly dominate the way organizations are facing the challenges of today’s changing business environment...
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Business Intelligence and GIS

Location is a unifying theme in business. Location can be an address, a service boundary, a sales territory, or a delivery route...

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Business Analysis

We specialize in business and software requirements analysis. Senior Consultants provide services using IIBA practices to rapidly define and manage business system specifications that deliver project and business success.


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